.. This file is a part of the AnyBlok / Bus project .. .. Copyright (C) 2017 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE .. Copyright (C) 2018 Jean-Sebastien SUZANNE .. .. This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, .. v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,You can .. obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. Front Matter ============ Information about the AnyBlok / Bus project. Project Homepage ---------------- AnyBlok is hosted on `github `_ - the main project page is at https://github.com/AnyBlok/anyblok_bus. Source code is tracked here using `GIT `_. Releases and project status are available on Pypi at http://pypi.python.org/pypi/anyblok_bus. The most recent published version of this documentation should be at http://doc.anyblok-bus.anyblok.org. Installation ------------ Install released versions of AnyBlok from the Python package index with `pip `_ or a similar tool:: pip install anyblok_bus Installation via source distribution is via the ``setup.py`` script:: python setup.py install Installation will add the ``anyblok`` commands to the environment. Unit Test --------- Run the test with ``nose``:: pip install nose nosetests anyblok_bus/tests Script ------ anyblok_bus add ``console_script`` to launch worker. A worker consume a queue defined by the decorator **anyblok_bus.bus_consumer**:: anyblok_bus -c anyblok_config_file.cfg ..note:: The profile name in the configuration is used to find the correct url to connect to rabbitmq Dependencies ------------ AnyBlok / Bus works with **Python 3.3** and later and `pika `_. The install process will ensure that `AnyBlok `_ is installed, in addition to other dependencies. The latest version of them is strongly recommended. Author ------ Jean-Sébastien Suzanne Contributors ------------ `Anybox `_ team: * Jean-Sébastien Suzanne * Florent Jouatte `Sensee `_ team: * Julien SZKUDLAPSKI Bugs ---- Bugs and feature enhancements to AnyBlok should be reported on the `Issue tracker `_.